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Companies that use YODEL

Do you want to know what companies use YODEL for their deliveries so you can avoid them? Of course you do. We’ve put together this list of companies who ship via YODEL. Please share it round social media, and let us know on Twitter if you know any companies that should be on this list.

For the companies themselves – if you’ve seen the light and ditched YODEL, let us know and we’ll update our list to remove you. @1ClickPrint
24studio @24studio
7 For All Mankind @7FAM
Allsaints @AllSaintsLive
Amazon @AmazonHelp
Anyfoam Ltd
Argos @ArgosHelpers
Asda @AsdaServiceTeam
Bedeck @Bedeck
Bellroy @Bellroy
Birchbox @BirchboxUK
Blinds 2 Go @blinds2go
The Book People @TheBookPeople
Boots @BootsHelp
BrandAlley @BrandAlleyUK
BrewDog @brewdog
Bulk Powders @BulkPowders
Coggles @Coggles
Discount Supplements @DiscountSupps
Dunelm @DunelmUK @Ebuyer
The Entertainer @entertainertoys
ELC (Early Learning Centre) @ELCUK @firebox
Gap @UKGap
Gardening Express @GardeningExpres
GoNutrition @GoNutritionUK
Gousto @FollowGousto
GreatLittleTradingCo @Gltco
H&M @hmunitedkingdom
Habitat @HabitatHelp
Halfords @Halfords_uk
Homebase @Homebase_uk
Homebrew Shop @homebrewshop_be
House of Fraser @houseoffraser @iwoot
Jack Willis @JackWills_Help
John Lewis @johnlewisretail
K&Co @kandco
Laithwaites @laithwaites
Laura Ashley @LauraAshleyUK
Littlewoods @littlewoods
lookfantastic @lookfantastic
Mamas & Papas @mamasandpapas
Marks & Spencer @marksandspencer
Matalan @Matalan
Missguided @Missguided_help
Moleskine @moleskine
Monster Pet Supplies @MonsterPetTeam
Moonpig @MoonpigUK
Mothercare @Mothercarehelp
MyGeekBox @MyGeekBox
Myprotein @MyproteinUK
Naked Wines @NakedWines
Nescafe Dolce Gusto @DolceGustoCol
Newham Bookshop @NewhamBookshop
Next @NextHelp
Office Shoes @OfficeShoes
Offspring Shoes @OffspringShoes @okini
On-One Bikes @ononebikes
The Open University @OpenUniversity
PhotoBox @PhotoBox
Richer Sounds @RicherSupport
River Island @riverislandhelp
Robinsons Equestrian @RobinsonsTweets
Secret @2secret4u_225
SoulCal Fashion @SoulCalFashion
Speedyhen @Speedyhen
SportPursuit @SportPursuit
Sports Direct @SportsDirectUK
Tesco @Tesco
Tesco Mobile @tescomobilecare
This is Pulp @ThisIsPulp
Very @verynetwork
Virgin Media @virginmedia
Vistaprint @Vistaprint
Waitrose @waitrose
Waregouse Fashion @WareStyle
Wordery @wordery
Wowcher @Wowcher_Support
Younique @Younique_Corp
Zooplus @zooplusUK